USAID/Cote d'Ivoire, in coordination with USAID/West Africa's Regional Assistance and Acquisition Office, sign Modification 3 after verifying that it includes updated plans and a revised budget for construction activities.
USAID/Cote d'Ivoire document its intention to award the American Institutes for Research a no-cost extension to allow sufficient time to complete planned construction activities. If approved, the extension should require the American Institutes for Research to develop and implement a mission-approved schedule for construction.
USAID/Cote d'Ivoire, in coordination with the American Institutes for Research and the Ministry of Education, implement a memorandum of understanding to establish roles and responsibilities that aligns with the cooperative agreement.
USAID/Cote d'Ivoire, in coordination with USAID/West Africa's Regional Financial Management Office, review and document program disbursements as of June 30, 2014, and confirm that the implementer used funds appropriately.
USAID/Cote d'Ivoire train its staff to use PhoenixViewer to monitor payments to the implementer.
USAID/Cote d'Ivoire implement procedures to provide financial oversight of the program. These procedures should include verifying that the American Institutes for Research submits quarterly federal financial reports as required and that the agreement officer's representative compares these reports to the Agency's online financial reporting system.