The Office of Development Credit revise loan portfolio guarantee target utilization rates to reflect historical data, and incorporate them into its operations manual and portfolio monitoring guide.
The Office of Development Credit implement an action plan to encourage banks to meet loan portfolio guarantee target utilization rates and require them to include utilization guidelines in on-boarding documents for bank partners.
The Office of Development Credit confirm and document that partner banks have clear and acceptable utilization strategies before finalizing guarantees.
The Office of Development Credit establish guidelines on when to amend, modify, or terminate a guarantee for insufficient use.
The Office of Development Credit coordinate with missions to define what constitutes a micro, small, and medium-size enterprise in the host country and consistently insert those definitions into its legal agreements directed at such enterprises.
The Office of Development Credit revise its operations manual and portfolio monitoring guide to require that it or the mission conduct on-site reviews and/or commission an independent auditor, when warranted.
The Office of Development Credit implement a procedure to clearly document the weighting of the risk factors in guarantees packages and the bases for adjusting or not adjusting those risk weightings.