USAID/Ethiopia develop a plan to assess data quality, which will include key HIV/AIDS care and treatment indicators that address indicators for the prevention of mother-to-child transmission.
USAID/Ethiopia develop a plan to continue in its efforts to work with the Office of the Global AIDS Coordinator to use PEPFAR funds to help implement the Government of Ethiopia's Health Management Information System for health centers and health posts.
USAID/Ethiopia develop a performance management plan that includes its activities for the prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV.
USAID/Ethiopia, in collaboration with its commodity logistics partners, develop and implement a detailed interim action plan to obtain accurate data from health centers and hospitals to improve the supply and timely distribution of commodities, assuming that funding is available.
USAID/Ethiopia, in collaboration with the Ethiopian Ministry of Health and other implementing partners, develop and implement a plan to provide periodic or refresher training on inventory management at storage facilities for staff responsible for receiving and disbursing commodities. This should include information on the importance of properly completing stock cards to reflect the status of commodities on hand.