USAID/Iraq obtain written commitment and buy-in from the Government of Iraq, including cost sharing, before investing any funds in information technology systems, and monitor the Government of Iraq's commitment throughout the implementation of the systems.
USAID/Iraq issue written guidance to implementing partners of programs with information technology components regarding the independent verification and validation review process so that it can be completed in a thorough and timely manner.
USAID/Iraq require sustainability and users' needs to be built into the design of USAID-funded information technology systems.
USAID/Iraq complete and transfer information technology systems to the Government of Iraq in sufficient time to confirm that the systems are fully functional and used for their intended purposes before programs end. The completion, transfer, and use of the system should be documented.
USAID/Iraq monitor the implementation of information technology systems and immediately stop funding them if they are found not to be usable, sustainable, or supported by the intended user.
USAID/Iraq work with the Government of Iraq to determine whether the Bill Tracking System and the Content Management System (Numbers 8 and 9 in the table) can be salvaged and used, and document the results.
USAID/Iraq establish and implement follow-up procedures to document that information technology systems have been transferred to the intended users and are in use.