USAID/Afghanistan issue a mission order on project monitoring overall and specifically on on-site monitoring.
USAID/Afghanistan issue a mission order on the design, implementation, and monitoring of on-budget assistance.
USAID/Afghanistan direct mission staff members to resources that will assist them in providing guidance to implementing partners on the development of effective project performance management plans and reviewing project performance management plans.
USAID/Afghanistan complete and approve the performance management plan for the Land Reform in Afghanistan Project.
USAID/Afghanistan notify its staff of the continuous learning requirements for agreement and contracting officer representatives and the means available for meeting those requirements.
USAID/Afghanistan require that mission offices verify that employees have met the mandated continuous learning requirement for agreement and contracting officer representatives before nominating them to serve in those positions and communicate employees' certification status when nominating them to serve as agreement and contracting officer representatives.
USAID/Afghanistan determine whether all partners with ongoing projects are reporting performance data in Afghan Info and require any partners not reporting in Afghan Info to do so.
USAID/Afghanistan provide its implementing partner on the Southern Region Agriculture Development Program with training on Afghan Info, verify that the partner has appropriate access to the system, and verify that the partner uses the system to report performance data.
USAID/Afghanistan require Government of Afghanistan ministry recipients of on-budget assistance to report their performance data in Afghan Info and verify that they are doing so.
USAID/Afghanistan issue written instructions to agreement and contracting officers' representatives to verify data reported by implementing partners.