USAID/Afghanistan request that the Department of Defense (DoD) amend its Economy Act order for the Regak and Oshay Bridges to formalize the agreement between USAID and DoD to construct the Regak Bridge only.
USAID/Afghanistan examine the difference between the amount deobligated and the amount returned to the Department of Defense (DoD) to determine whether additional funds should be returned to DoD based on the amount DoD paid USAID.
The Chief Financial Officer conduct an investigation of USAID/Afghanistan's subobligation of $0.7 million in Commander's Emergency Response Program funds for "emergency and urgent works to be performed" to see if this subobligation resulted in an Antideficiency Act violation.
USAID/Afghanistan obtain ratification of its use of $8.9 million for community development projects or return these funds to the Department of Defense.
The Chief Financial Officer conduct an investigation of USAID/Afghanistan's subobligation of $8.9 million in Commander's Emergency Response Program funds for community development projects to see if this subobligation resulted in an Antideficiency Act violation.