USAID/Pakistan designate one person in each technical office who has received training to oversee environmental compliance for projects and activities.
USAID/Pakistan identify projects planned for the next 3 years to determine whether USAID/Pakistan has sufficient support and technical expertise for environmental compliance.
USAID/Pakistan revise the scope of work and reduce the contract amount for financial and management support for the Quick Impact Projects in South Waziristan.
USAID/Pakistan verify that that the USAID contractor, Associates in Development, has a code of business ethics and conduct that meets USAID standards and regulations.
USAID/Pakistan provide implementers with copies of USAID's policies on ethics and conflicts of interest, and with written explanations and examples of potential conflicts.
USAID/Pakistan, in cooperation with USAID's Compliance and Oversight Division for Partner Performance, designate personnel to provide guidance on conflicts of interest and to monitor implementers' compliance with ethics policies and procedures.
USAID/Pakistan develop and implement a plan for periodic internal review of contract files for a complete history of contract transactions and all communications with contractors. Results of the review should be noted for corrective action.
USAID/Pakistan develop and implement a plan to monitor and document the status of branding and marking plans of contractors working on the Quick Impact Projects in South Waziristan, and provide training as necessary for compliance with Automated Directives System 320.
USAID/Pakistan provide additional details to the Federally Administrated Tribal Areas Secretariat concerning publicizing and marking USAID's contribution to the Quick Impact Projects in South Waziristan as specified in the implementation letter dated December 31, 2009.