USAID/Pakistan reassess Government of Pakistan implementing entities according to Automated Directives System Chapter 220. If the mission is unable to conduct timely reassessments, it should document the reasons for noncompliance and specify a time frame for performance.
USAID/Pakistan implement a plan with milestones for fully complying with Automated Directives System Chapter 220.
USAID/Pakistan reconcile the discrepancies between Mission Order 200.2 and Mission Order 200.6 and update these documents to comply with Automated Directives System Chapter 220.
USAID/Pakistan implement a procedure to provide project managers with formal designation letters before they begin serving in that capacity.
USAID/Pakistan implement a plan with milestones specifying when it will validate capacity-building activities conducted for the Government of Pakistan entities implementing government-to-government projects.
The mission modify its Assessment and Strengthening Program cooperative agreement to reflect actual mission practices related to validating capacity-building activities, to facilitate the mission's compliance with the agreement.
USAID/Pakistan, in coordination with the Office of Afghanistan and Pakistan Affairs, implement a plan with a timeline to validate information in PakInfo and reconcile information contained in PakInfo with information contained in Phoenix.
USAID/Pakistan, in coordination with the Office of Afghanistan and Pakistan Affairs, implement a plan with a timeline for PakInfo to become operational.