USAID/Pakistan work with the Sindh government to implement a written contingency plan engaging the Jacobabad Institute's board of governors to protect the U.S. Government-provided medical equipment and furniture after installation.
USAID/Pakistan consult and collaborate with the Sindh government to implement a written strategy for the long-term sustainability of the Jacobabad Institute of Medical Sciences.
USAID/Pakistan consult with the Karachi Medical Center's management to implement a written plan to identify and address construction and workmanship deficiencies.
USAID/Pakistan inspect the Jacobabad Institute of Medical Sciences before its construction warranty period expires, and document and address the inspection findings.
USAID/Pakistan hire an independent electrical engineer to determine whether the primary and backup power systems meet the needs of the Jacobabad Institute of Medical Sciences and document the findings. Subsequently, USAID/Pakistan should take appropriate action to address the findings.
USAID/Pakistan determine the allowability of and recover from CDM Constructors Inc., as appropriate, ineligible questioned costs of $1.6 million.
USAID/Pakistan implement written procedures for its staff to determine and use correct exchange rates for local contracts priced in Pakistani rupees and billed in U.S. dollars.
USAID/Pakistan implement written procedures for its Islamabad Office of Acquisition and Assistance to verify that independent government cost estimates have been prepared.