We recommend that the Millennium Challenge Corporation's Vice President for Compact Implementation revise the Millennium Challenge Corporation's Guidelines for Environmental and Social Assessment to include assessing environmental risks broader than project activity risks, such as the risk presented by radioactive materials.
We recommend that the Millennium Challenge Corporation's Vice President for Compact lmplementation re-evaluate and document the risks surrounding the customs project activity to determine whether it will feasibly accomplish its objective and th"t the intervention will be sustainable.
We recommend that the Millennium Challenge Corporation's Vice Presidentfor Compact lmplementation amend the contract to remove the purchase of machine guns and patrol boats to ensure that the implementing partner does not purchase these items with Compact money.
We recommend that the Millennium Challenge Corporation's Vice President for Compact lmplemenultion revise its internal controls for procurement to include guidelines for preventing items prohibited by the Compact from being solicited.
We recommend that the Millennium Challenge Corporation's Vice President for Compact Developmmt revise the Guidance for Compact Eligible Countries to include under Risk Management Assessment a discussion for identifying risks associated with frequent changes in management when it could impact a project or component of a project, and to prepare a risk management plan to minimize the negative impact of such a risk.