We recommend that MCC requests and verifies that MCA-Tanzania corrects the internal control deficiency described in note 1 of the Findings section of this report.
We recommend that MCC verify that the questioned costs of $10,329 (TZS 13,939,340) are; (a) properly credited to the program, or (b) initiate action to recover the unallowable costs.
We recommend that the responsible MCC official make a management decision on the $51,706 in questioned costs due to noncompliance with the MCC Program Procurement Guidelines as described in Note 3 of the Findings section of this report, and recover any amounts determined to be unallowable.
We recommend that the responsible MCC official make a management decision on the $8,942 in questioned unallowable public relations costs as described in Note 4 of the Findings section of this report, and recover any amounts determined to be unallowable.
We recommend that MCC revise Chapter 4.2 x, Public Relations, of the Cost Principles, to clarify the definition, and provide specific examples of types of expenditures that constitute allowable and unallowable costs.
We recommend that MCC request MCA-Tanzania to submit a corrective action plan designed to adequately correct the internal control deficiencies described in Note 5 in the Findings section of this report.