We recommend that the Millennium Challenge Corporation's Vice President for the Department of Compact Operations review and clarify the Material Interim Amendment to the Program Procurement Guidelines that addresses government-owned enterprises and its applicability to subcontractors.
We recommend that the Millennium Challenge Corporation's Vice President for the Department of Compact Operations review and document the Millennium Challenge Account-Mongolia's procedures for identifying, reviewing, and approving all subcontracts in excess of $100,000 to confirm they are in accordance with the Program Procurement Guidelines.
We recommend that the Millennium Challenge Corporation's Vice President for the Department of Compact Operations develop a written plan for assessing the quality of data obtained from information management systems that is used during the due diligence phase of new compact development.
We recommend that the Millennium Challenge Corporation's Vice President for the Department of Compact Operations direct the Millennium Challenge Account-Mongolia to inspect all well houses to ensure that the generator exhaust fumes are properly vented and that no safety hazard exists and communicate the ventilation concern to the Government of Mongolia.