We recommend that the Millennium Challenge Corporation's Vice President for Congressional and Public Affairs revise Standards for Global Marking to require that Millennium Challenge Account logos clearly and consistently acknowledge the generosity of the people of the United States.
We recommend that the Millennium Challenge Corporation's Vice President for Congressional and Public Affairs revise Standards for Global Marking to require that permanent and durable signage is created and placed at project sites resulting in permanent structures.
We recommend that the Millennium Challenge Corporation's Vice President for Congressional and Public Affairs establish and implement procedures for developing, implementing, and approving Millennium Challenge Account communication strategies .
We recommend that the Millennium Challenge Corporation's Vice President for Congressional and Public Affairs revise Standards for Global Marking to include specific criteria for creating Millennium Challenge Account branding and marking manuals.
We recommend that the Millennium Challenge Corporation's Vice President for Congressional and Public Affairs revise Standards for Global Marking to require each compact country to create a branding and marking manual.
We recommend that the Millennium Challenge Corporation's Vice President for Congressional and Public Affairs establish and implement a policy for oversight responsibilities of branding and marking in each compact country.
We recommend that the Millennium Challenge Corporation's Vice President for Congressional and Public Affairs establish and implement procedures to account for branding budgets and expenditures in its compact countries to provide the Millennium Challenge Corporation and the Millennium Challenge Accounts the cost information to manage its branding and marking efforts.