We recommend that the Millennium Challenge Corporation's Vice President of Compact Operations coordinate with Millennium Challenge Account-Namibia to implement an action plan to identify and address all outstanding contractor-related construction defects at completed schools.
We recommend that the Millennium Challenge Corporation's Vice President, Department of Compact Operation (1) review the 47 renovated schools to determine and document whether Millennium Challenge Account-Namibia can take any actions to improve temporary facilities at the overcrowded schools and (2) revise the Compact Development Guidance to include guidelines for countries proposing education projects.
We recommend that the Millennium Challenge Corporation's Vice President, Department of Compact Operations, require the Millennium Challenge Account-Namibia to train science teachers at the schools renovated under the compact to use the new science equipment effectively and document such training.
We recommend that the Millennium Challenge Corporation's Vice President, Department of Compact Operation, coordinate with the Millennium Challenge Account-Namibia to (1) determine and document the accuracy of the data reported in the Learners (any level) participating in the 47 schools sub-activity indicator and (2) describe and document efforts taken to improve data quality and accuracy.
We recommend that the Millennium Challenge Corporation's Vice President, Department of Compact Operation, coordinate with the Department of Congressional and Public Affairs to review the Millennium Challenge Account-Namibia's branding and marking efforts to determine whether additional marking of cars and textbooks to be delivered would be beneficial and document the results.
We recommend that the Millennium Challenge Corporation's Vice President, Department of Compact Operations, direct in writing that the Millennium Challenge Account-Namibia conduct and document audits as required in the compact.
We recommend that the Millennium Challenge Corporation's Vice President, Department of Compact Operations, coordinate with the Millennium Challenge Account-Namibia to implement a process for transferring governance training subject matter to future conservancy board members.
We recommend that the Millennium Challenge Corporation's Vice President, Department of Compact Operations, coordinate with the Millennium Challenge Account-Namibia to assess whether adding an indicator for training of conservancy members to the Monitoring and Evaluation Plan for Namibia would help measure the project's effectiveness and document the results.