USAID Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance establish criteria that trigger a joint assessment by the Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance and any other relevant USAID offices, at the start of an Agency response to a humanitarian crisis, to determine whether a third-party monitor is necessary. This assessment should include determining a timeline for issuing the contract and assignment of responsibility to the appropriate employee(s) with the authority to plan and procure third-party monitoring contracts.
USAID Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance conduct a comprehensive and documented assessment to determine whether a third-party monitor is necessary to oversee current USAID-funded activities in Cameroon, Chad, and Niger related to the Lake Chad crisis,
USAID Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance for humanitarian assistance awards in the Lake Chad region, update documented policies to (1) require implementers that prepare post-distribution monitoring reports to submit them when completed to the agreement officer's representative and (2) require the awarding USAID office to review the reports and take any appropriate corrective action.
USAID Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance for all humanitarian assistance awards under the Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance's control in high-risk environments, update documented guidelines to require periodic monitoring of noncompetitive procurements by non-public international organization implementers that include collecting information on the nature and extent of their use to help identify, assess, and mitigate fraud risks