Implement a fraud risk management framework for humanitarian assistance responses that sets out procedures for conducting regular fraud risk assessments; developing fraud risk profiles, anti-fraud control activities, and a fraud strategy; and
monitoring and incorporating feedback.
In coordination with the Bureau for Management, conduct an assessment of
International Rescue Committee's progress in implementing corrective actions it pledged to complete in response to the 2016 Show Cause Notice, and evaluate any risk posed to current programming in determining whether any specific conditions should be incorporated into current and/or future awards to mitigate risk.
In coordination with the Office of Management Policy, Budget and Performance's Compliance and Oversight of Partner Performance, conduct an assessment of the Agency's existing guidance for monitoring and oversight of pledged implementer corrective action plans and develop guidance for how and when such corrective action plans should be incorporated into agreements.
Determine the allowability of $11,601,969 in questioned costs ($11,595,045 ineligible and $6,924 unsupported) and recover funds, as appropriate.