Develop and implement a process for issuing documented directives on implementing foreign policy guidance to humanitarian programs to the Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance. This process should consider the impact of directives on the Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance's ability to adhere to humanitarian principles and risk appetite.
In coordination with the Bureau for Management, review and revise Automated Directives System chapter 251 to incorporate Foreign Assistance Manual Volume 2, chapter 060 requirements for adhering to humanitarian principles outlined in the Good Humanitarian Donorship.
Develop and implement a process for coordinating with the State Department's Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration on joint strategic humanitarian response plans at the country and/or regional level. This process should articulate key considerations for interagency coordination, including programming roles and responsibilities, humanitarian mandates, and migratory status of beneficiaries.
Review and revise humanitarian assistance "Application Guidelines" for implementers to strengthen the use of U.S. Government Accountability Office leading practices for managing fraud risks, including planning and risk assessment activities and data analytics activities.
In coordination with the Bureau for Policy, Planning, and Learning, complete a documented review of USAID's development assistance portfolio in Venezuela to determine whether to develop and implement a Strategic Framework, in accordance with Automated Directives System chapter 201 requirements.
In coordination with the Bureaus for Latin America and the Caribbean and Policy, Planning, and Learning, complete a documented review of USAID/South America Regional's development assistance portfolio in Brazil, Ecuador, and Peru to determine whether to develop and implement a Strategic Framework, in accordance with Automated Directives System chapter 201 requirements.