Issue a work plan to implement pre-award protection and monitoring measures outlined in the Agency's "Policy on Protection From Sexual Exploitation and Abuse."
Standardize acquisition and assistance award requirements to include (a) codes of conduct specific to sexual exploitation and abuse for all implementers and (b) requirements for implementers to review and certify that subimplementers establish sexual exploitation and abuse-related internal controls and codes of conduct.
Issue guidance to Agency staff on roles and responsibilities for assessing implementers' internal controls designed to protect beneficiaries from sexual exploitation and abuse when conducting pre-award risk assessments.
Issue guidance to implementers on information they must provide to USAID pursuant to the new pre-award risk assessment requirement that includes measures to protect beneficiaries from sexual exploitation and abuse.
Issue guidance to implementers on information they must provide to USAID pursuant to the new pre-award risk assessment requirement that includes measures to protect beneficiaries from sexual exploitation and abuse.
Issue guidance to implementers detailing what is expected of them in response to sexual exploitation and abuse allegations, including defining when to report, to whom to report, what information to provide, what actions to take in response to sexual exploitation and abuse allegations, and how to respond using a survivor-centered approach.
Develop and implement an Agency-wide process, including clear delegation of roles and responsibilities, for responding to allegations of sexual exploitation and abuse. This process should specify to whom within USAID allegations must be communicated and define responsibilities for reviewing implementers' handling of allegations, while establishing safeguards to protect sensitive information and adhering to a survivor-centered approach.
Coordinate with relevant USAID offices to develop and implement a long-term Agency-wide centralized tracking mechanism to support the Agency's management of allegations of sexual exploitation and abuse.
As the Agency develops a long-term mechanism, implement an interim reporting process and centralized tracker for sexual exploitation and abuse allegations. An office or position should be identified to manage the centralized tracker, which should include, at a minimum, all allegations received by USAID from February 2018 forward in order to enable the Agency to determine the universe of allegations and the status of each.