We recommend that USAID/Zambia determine the allowability of $27,659 in questioned costs ($17,223 ineligible, $10,436 unsupported) on pages 22, 23, 27, and 67 to 70 of the audit report and recover any amount that is unallowable.
We recommend that USAID/Zambia verify that Zambia Centre for Communication Programmes corrects the six instances of material noncompliance detailed on pages 53 to 60 of the audit report.
We recommend that USAID/Zambia verify that Zambia Centre for Communication Programmes provides PACT Zambia with a copy of the findings raised in the audit report for its review to 1) determine the allowability of the $40,309 unsupported questioned costs identified; and 2) take any appropriate action regarding the one instance of material noncompliance related to the Zambia Community HIV Prevention Project subaward as detailed on pages 53, 54, and 70 of the report.