USAID/Mexico Could Do More to Measure the Mexico Economic Policy Program’s Progress
USAID/Mexico require Abt Associates Inc. to update its monitoring and evaluation plan to include data sheets for all indicators, and update its work plan to match the monitoring and evaluation plan and comply with contract requirements.
USAID/Mexico determine the allowability of up to $1,738,912 in potential unsupported questioned costs related to the lack of appropriate monitoring and oversight for amounts expended by C230 Consultores S.C. and Instituto Mexicano para la Competitividad A.C., and recover from Abt Associates Inc. the amount determined to be unallowable.
USAID/Mexico require Abt Associates Inc. to reflect the correct number of peopled trained in program reports and databases.
USAID/Mexico require Abt Associates Inc., after updating the monitoring and evaluation plan, work plan, and reported results, to train staff on how to collect and report data.
USAID/Mexico implement a fixed-fee payment schedule tied to the accomplishment of contract goals and indicator targets.
USAID/Mexico determine the allowability of $366,212 in ineligible questioned costs related to the contractor's noncompliance with Federal Acquisition Regulation Part 13, and recover from Abt Associates Inc. the amount determined to be unallowable.
USAID/Mexico conduct a financial review of Abt Associates Inc. that includes an evaluation of compliance with Federal Acquisition Regulation Part 13, and make recommendations to improve compliance if warranted.
USAID/Mexico implement a monitoring plan for its branding and marking requirements to make sure mission staff and implementers are complying.
USAID/Mexico require Abt Associates Inc. to obtain approvals for using contractor and subcontractor logos and a waiver from using USAID's logo on all materials and Web sites developed and supported by the program, and establish an approval process with the mission for all future activities.
USAID/Mexico provide written instructions to Abt Associates Inc. regarding branding and marking requirements and require Abt Associates Inc. to develop and implement a training plan for its staff and all subcontractors working on the program.