Competing Priorities Have Complicated USAID/Pakistan’s Efforts To Achieve Long-Term Development Under EPPA
USAID/Pakistan develop a Pakistan strategy that complies with Automated Directives System 201.
USAID/Pakistan require contracting officer's representatives for the monitoring and evaluation contract to keep action plans for follow-up on evaluation findings and recommendations in their files and revise the file checklist to include these items.
USAID/Pakistan require procurement officials to include cost realism checklists in the Agency Secure Image and Storage Tracking System for government-to-government awards, and periodically review for completeness the documentation supporting cost realism.
USAID/Pakistan determine the amount of taxes it paid Pakistan and seek reimbursement from the Government of Pakistan or take steps to withhold the appropriate amount from future appropriations for assistance to Pakistan.
USAID/Pakistan implement procedures for determining and tracking tax liability, seeking reimbursement from the Government of Pakistan for exempted taxes paid but not remitted, and taking steps for withholding unremitted taxes from future appropriations to Pakistan.
USAID/Pakistan's Office of Acquisition and Assistance add to its procurement checklist a requirement to document in its files all sources and calculations that support independent government cost estimates.
USAID/Pakistan's Office of Acquisition and Assistance establish a policy for verifying whether U.S. contractors bidding for cost-type contracts have adequate cost accounting and purchasing systems as part of the responsibility determination.
USAID/Pakistan complete site visit templates and checklists in PakInfo and implement a plan for validating that all appropriate staff are aware of and use the templates.
USAID/Pakistan add a requirement to agreement/contracting officer representatives' designation letters to complete reports within a specified time after completing site visits.
USAID/Pakistan issue guidance describing the roles of provincial offices and activity managers and describing how provincial offices will receive funding commensurate with their responsibilities.
USAID's Bureau for Policy, Planning and Learning revise the Automated Directives System to clearly define USAID's roles and responsibilities for designing and implementing development when it is subject to State Department control in critical priority countries and provide alternate development strategies when a country development cooperation strategy or a transitional country strategy is not an option.
USAID/Pakistan mission director prepare and provide to the USAID Administrator a plan to institute an interagency forum where USAID can better present its development perspective in critical priority countries, where the State Department takes the lead.
USAID/Pakistan develop high-level indicator baselines and targets in its mission strategic framework.
USAID/Pakistan's Office of Acquisition and Assistance implement guidance requiring risk assessments for potential local awardees, if no risk assessments were previously performed.
USAID/Pakistan extends its award to Rural Support Programmes Network, the scope of work be reduced to overseeing the accounting firms' assessments, with the caveat that Rural Support Programmes Network review accounting firms' working papers for a random sample of assessment reports.
USAID/Pakistan implement a plan for improving the delivery and measurement of capacity development under future awards.
USAID/Pakistan develop policies and procedures to require that the exchange rate be established at the signing of the implementation letter as the exchange rate in effect at that date.
USAID/Pakistan require the contracting officer's representative for the monitoring and evaluation contract provide a copy of Mission Order 200.2 to those following up on evaluation reports.