USAID/Haiti Needs to Improve Oversight of the Quality Health Services for Haiti Central and South Project to Better Ensure Sustainability
USAID/Haiti work with the Haitian Government to implement a detailed sustainability plan that transfers the responsibility for paying the facilities' health workers from USAID to another source.
USAID/Haiti evaluate and document its decision regarding Pathfinder International's request for additional funds and provide such funds only as part of a long-term sustainable approach to funding the project's health workers.
USAID/Haiti clarify in writing to Pathfinder International its expectations on the work plan, performance management plan, and quality assurance surveillance plan, and approve these plans when they are completed.
USAID/Haiti establish a schedule with deadlines for Pathfinder to bring performance data for the project in line with USAID's data quality standards and take corrective action if the deadlines are not met.
USAID/Haiti instruct Pathfinder to provide each facility with written instructions on how to complete each field on the monthly form used to record health services delivered. The instructions should include common examples of what should and should not be reported.
USAID/Haiti evaluate and document its conclusion regarding the proper classification of project health workers and set a deadline for Pathfinder to confirm that it complies with the Haitian Labor Code of 1984.
USAID/Haiti, in coordination with the Haitian Government, implement a plan to close the gap in health worker compensation and mitigate the challenges of retaining staff in the health-care industry.