Audit of USAID/Afghanistan's Assistance in Building Afghanistan by Developing Enterprise Program
USAID/Afghanistan immediately instruct the Volunteers for Economic Growth Alliance to stop establishing new public-private alliances under the Assistance in Building Afghanistan by Developing Enterprises Program.
USAID/Afghanistan require the Volunteers for Economic Growth Alliance to include in quarterly reports for the Assistance in Building Afghanistan by Developing Enterprises Program detailed information on the status of equipment procurements, delivery, installation, and any actions taken or planned to resolve delays and expedite activities that are behind schedule.
USAID/Afghanistan require the Volunteers for Economic Growth Alliance to implement a plan to improve financial oversight over all partners implementing the Assistance in Building Afghanistan by Developing Enterprises Program.
USAID/Afghanistan determine the allowability of $18,034 in questioned costs ($6,638 ineligible and $11,396 unsupported) and recover from the Volunteers for Economic Growth Alliance any amounts determined to be unallowable.
USAID/Afghanistan, in coordination with the Volunteers for Economic Growth Alliance, implement a detailed plan, including milestones, for concluding the Assistance in Building Afghanistan by Developing Enterprises Program at no additional cost to USAID.
USAID/Afghanistan not fund any currently contemplated job apprenticeship activity via the Assistance in Building Afghanistan by Developing Enterprises Program.
USAID/Afghanistan develop a case study for training purposes that uses the lessons learned from the Assistance in Building Afghanistan by Developing Enterprises Program.
USAID/Afghanistan conduct and document a review to determine whether to continue activities under the Assistance in Building Afghanistan by Developing Enterprises Program's enterprise enabling environment activity (Component 3) or put the remaining $1.6 million in unused funds to better use.
USAID/Afghanistan evaluate whether the methodology used in compiling results reported under the performance indicators for the Assistance in Building Afghanistan by Developing Enterprises Program is justifiable and, based on the results of this review, require the implementer to update its monitoring and evaluation plan to reflect any changes.
USAID/Afghanistan develop a schedule of periodic meetings with Assistance in Building Afghanistan by Developing Enterprises Program staff at the U.S. Embassy compound in Kabul to review performance results and other related issues.
USAID/Afghanistan implement a plan to have third-party monitoring contractors verify performance indicator results reported by the Assistance in Building Afghanistan by Developing Enterprises Program.
USAID/Afghanistan implement a plan to confirm that the Assistance in Building Afghanistan by Developing Enterprises Program is included in the annual performance plan and report and any mission-wide data quality assessments.