Audit of USAID/Afghanistan's Strategy for Monitoring and Evaluating Programs Throughout Afghanistan
USAID/Afghanistan implement written standards for what constitutes effective, sufficient oversight, including the amount of monitoring deemed necessary for an activity to continue, the relative contributions of the five tiers, and potential events that warrant a decision on the status of the activity.
USAID/Afghanistan implement written procedures for having mission managers decide whether to continue an activity if standards are not met or if such future events occur.
USAID/Afghanistan prepare a written determination to add a module to capture and analyze monitoring data in Afghan Info, or establish a different system to store centralized monitoring data for analysis and set a deadline for making any design changes.
USAID/Afghanistan implement procedures to periodically reconcile awards listed in Afghan Info with records held by the Office Acquisition and Assistance, the Office of Program and Project Development, and technical offices, including those based in Washington, D.C., and update Afghan Info as necessary.
USAID/Afghanistan adopt a policy of reviewing Mission Order 203.02 or any subsequent order on monitoring at its quarterly monitoring review meetings to make sure all staff are aware of the requirement to promptly verify and approve reports submitted in Afghan Info.
USAID/Afghanistan implement a strategy to analyze project performance information and make recommendations to mission leaders in light of anticipated staffing reductions and travel restrictions.
USAID/Afghanistan develop procedures to verify that annual monitoring plans required under Mission Order 203.02 or any subsequent order on monitoring are prepared and used to structure the activities of its third-party monitors.
USAID/Afghanistan implement procedures to help ensure that all evaluations, assessment reports, and recommendations are recorded and tracked in Afghan Info.
USAID/Afghanistan implement procedures to follow up on the status of open evaluation recommendations periodically.