Audit of USAID/Pakistan's Political Party Development Program
USAID/Pakistan, with the National Democratic Institute, reassess and document whether program activities remain viable given the security and political realities in Pakistan, and modify the agreement and work plans to update program activities, deliverables, and funding accordingly.
USAID/Pakistan determine the allowability of, and recover from the National Democratic Institute as appropriate, ineligible questioned costs of $138,375.
USAID/Pakistan develop a plan to conduct regular site visits or devise alternatives to provide adequate oversight of the program if site visits are not possible, and document the results.
USAID/Pakistan work with the National Democratic Institute to develop an action plan to strengthen controls over performance data collection and reporting, including supervisory review of the data before submission to USAID/Pakistan.
USAID/Pakistan require the National Democratic Institute to have the Institute for Public Opinion Research undergo an audit of fiscal year 2013 expenditures in compliance with the Office of Inspector General's Guidelines for Financial Audits Contracted by Foreign Recipients.
USAID/Pakistan require the National Democratic Institute to modify agreements with the International Republican Institute and the Institute for Public Opinion Research to include the standard audit provisions.
USAID/Pakistan, with the National Democratic Institute, implement a recruitment plan to fill vacant positions and maintain a staffing level commensurate with the program's planned results.
USAID/Pakistan, with the National Democratic Institute and Strengthening Participatory Organization, set written criteria for selecting subject matter experts and briefing them on issues of concern to the parties before holding discussion forums, and develop a written strategy to facilitate follow-up meetings between subject matter experts and members of policy working groups to discuss policy interventions as needed.
USAID/Pakistan, with the National Democratic Institute, identify and document the skills and experience necessary for members of research units and policy working groups; the relevant selection standards; and the procedures political parties will use to identify, select, and recruit qualified participants.
USAID/Pakistan, with the National Democratic Institute, implement a written plan to facilitate coordination between research units and policy working groups and share event schedules with them well in advance.
USAID/Pakistan, with the National Democratic Institute, implement a plan to obtain leadership commitment from each participating political party, clarify expectations and responsibilities, and focus the program on parties that are fully committed.
USAID/Pakistan, with the National Democratic Institute and the International Republican Institute, determine and document whether to continue program support and activities for the Institute for Public Opinion Research or to put the remaining funds to better use.
USAID/Pakistan, if it decides to continue supporting the Institute for Public Opinion Research, work with the National Democratic Institute and the International Republican Institute to implement a corrective action plan to address the slow progress in providing capacity building to the Institute for Public Opinion Research.
USAID/Pakistan require the National Democratic Institute to reassess and document the capabilities of Strengthening Participatory Organization and determine how to effectively involve it in the program.