Audit of USAID/Indonesia's Higher Education Leadership and Management Project
USAID/Indonesia, through the responsible contracting officer, modify the Higher Education Leadership and Management Project contract to identify clearly in section C.4.4 which results Chemonics International Inc. will be required to deliver and report on.
USAID/Indonesia require Chemonics International Inc. to determine the allowability of approximately $85,275 in costs for the subcontract to create webinars for the Higher Education Leadership and Management Project and collect from Gadjah Mada University any amount determined to be unallowable.
USAID/Indonesia work with Chemonics International Inc. to revise indicator definitions in the project's monitoring and evaluation plan to clarify calculation methodology and disclose data limitations for seven indicators.
USAID/Indonesia require Chemonics International Inc. to document the rationale for the project target for every indicator in the monitoring and evaluation plan.
USAID/Indonesia review and verify the accuracy of three baseline studies completed in January 2015.
USAID/Indonesia direct Chemonics International Inc. to strengthen oversight and controls over data verification and reporting by creating written procedures that clearly describe responsibilities of the project's monitoring and evaluation staff, consultants, and technical staff.
USAID/Indonesia require Chemonics International Inc. to create written procedures for database management that include periodic data integrity checks.
USAID/Indonesia provide additional training in performance monitoring to the contracting officer's representative and the alternate contracting officer's representative.
USAID/Indonesia require contracting officer's representatives to track accruals by contract line item number in their quarterly reports.
USAID/Indonesia clarify branding requirements for subcontracts under the Higher Education Leadership and Management Project.