Audit of USAID/Mozambique's Agriculture, Trade, and Business Portfolio
USAID/Mozambique determine whether a portion of the fixed fee for activities not started or completed under the AgriFUTURO contract should be withheld from payment to Abt Associates Inc.
USAID/Mozambique determine the allowability of $141,183 in ineligible questioned costs arising from missing or stolen equipment and recover any amounts determined to be unallowable.
USAID/Mozambique's Office of Agriculture, Trade, and Business implement tools, such as project management software, that identify key milestones and deadlines to improve its portfolio management.
USAID/Mozambique determine the allowability of $214,353 in ineligible questioned costs and recover from Development Alternatives Inc. the amount determined to be unallowable.
USAID/Mozambique's Office of Agriculture, Trade, and Business, in coordination with its contracting officer, prepare a schedule of
overdue contractor performance assessments and those that must be done within the next year, and make sure they are completed in accordance with federal requirements.
USAID/Mozambique's Office of Agriculture, Trade, and Business, in coordination with the contracting officer, institute an effective
control, such as including a review of contracting officer's representatives' files as part of the annual Federal Managers' Financial Integrity Act of 1982 review, to make sure that
files are complete in accordance with administrative requirements.
USAID/Mozambique's Office of Agriculture, Trade, and Business institute a control to make sure that responsible staff actively monitor the implementation of branding and marking plans for its projects.
USAID/Mozambique's Office of Agriculture, Trade, and Business ask the agreement officer's representative for PARTI to make a determination about branding requirements for USAID's agricultural research projects supported by its public international organization agreement and disseminate appropriate branding guidance to all participating USAID missions.