USAID/Macedonia's Youth Employability Skills Network Project
USAID/Macedonia collaborate with the implementing partner to develop a sustainability strategy.
USAID/Macedonia require the implementing partner in writing to revise the project's monitoring and evaluation plan to meet Automated Directives System requirements to include all project objectives and career service network components that contribute to the project.
USAID/Macedonia reevaluate whether all the project's performance indicators meet indicator criteria, and revise them if needed, documenting the results accordingly.
USAID/Macedonia instruct the implementing partner in writing to adhere to the project's monitoring requirements for reporting disaggregated data.
USAID/Macedonia determine in writing whether a midterm evaluation is still necessary. If it is not, document the determination and have the agreement officer modify the agreement accordingly.
USAID/Macedonia notify its staff in writing that they and implementing partners must meet all terms and conditions of agreements and contracts unless the agreement officer modifies the agreement.
USAID/Macedonia reassess whether the project's grants awarded to nongovernmental organizations are sustainable, and if not, require a sustainable approach before approving any further subawards.
USAID/Macedonia require the implementing partner to revise memorandums of understanding as necessary to incorporate elements of the sustainability strategy.
USAID/Macedonia require the implementing partner to sign a memorandum of understanding with the Municipality of Strumica.
USAID/Macedonia notify mission staff in writing to monitor and communicate progress on project deliverables.
USAID/Macedonia instruct the implementing partner in writing to fulfill its responsibility to identify leveraging sources and report on them quarterly.
USAID/Macedonia work with the implementing partner to implement a plan to meet the agreed-on leverage amount.
USAID/Macedonia develop a mission-wide performance management plan.
USAID/Macedonia update its monitoring and evaluation mission order to reflect Automated Directives System requirements and clarify staff members' proper roles and responsibilities in clearing and approving project monitoring and evaluation plans and indicators.