Audit of USAID/Haiti's Internal Controls over the Administration of Cost-of-Living Allowances
USAID/Haiti implement procedures to use Standard Form 1190 for all allowances as required by the Department of State Standard Regulation.
USAID/Haiti document in a mission order the allowance process and the roles and responsibilities of those involved with managing the cost-of-living allowances.
USAID/Haiti implement a plan to educate incoming employees on available allowances and how to make a claim.
USAID/Haiti implement procedures to verify employees' and their dependents' eligibility for all cost-of-living allowances.
USAID/Haiti implement a plan to improve communication between USAID/Haiti and USAID/Dominican Republic to prevent funds control violations and obtain proper documentation for approval of allowances.
USAID/Haiti determine and document options for calculating the separate maintenance allowance electronically.
USAID/Haiti implement a plan to monitor and verify that post allowance rates are updated accurately and in a timely manner in the system to avoid calculation errors.
USAID/Haiti collaborate with USAID/Dominican Republic to identify areas and opportunities for increased data verification and improved management oversight over the application, authorization, and payment of the cost-of-living allowances, and document these results.
USAID/Haiti review cost-of-living allowances
determine any amounts unallowable, and recover those amounts deemed unallowable.
USAID/Haiti implement a system that meets the Agency's record management policy to obtain and store necessary data accurately to track and manage cost-of-living allowances at post.
USAID/Haiti provide and document training on allowance regulations to mission staff involved in approving and paying allowances.