Audit of USAID/Sri Lanka's Biz Plus Program
USAID/Sri Lanka direct Land O'Lakes to document its strategy for implementing the Biz Plus Program during its remaining period and work with each grantee to implement a work plan, taking into account its achievements, the status of activities, and the funding remaining, to achieve the program's intended results and maximize its impact.
USAID/Sri Lanka require Land O'Lakes to adjust to realistic levels targets for the number of jobs to be created by all grantees.
USAID/Sri Lanka direct Land O'Lakes to perform an evaluation of all grants covering the remainder of the Biz Plus Program, look at accomplishments, and analyze the reasonableness and validity of the business idea in the grant proposals to confirm the grants comply with the program objective.
USAID/Sri Lanka conduct a cost-benefit analysis of the Biz Plus Program to determine whether it should continue.
USAID/Sri Lanka work with Land O'Lakes to implement a plan to comply with the leveraging requirement of the agreement.
USAID/Sri Lanka require Land O'Lakes to review and correct the reported cost-sharing and leveraging amounts to comply with the agreement requirements.