Rohingya Crisis: Ongoing Challenges Limit USAID's Ability to Move From Humanitarian to Development Assistance

Audit Report
Report Number

Why We Did This Audit 

  • The Rohingya people—a Muslim minority in Burma who differ from the country’s dominant Buddhist population ethnically, linguistically, and religiously—have faced discrimination, targeted violence, and human rights violations for many years, forcing hundreds of thousands to flee their homes.
  • In 2017, a Burmese military operation against the Rohingya described as “ethnic cleansing” by humanitarian organizations forced more than 740,000 Rohingya to seek refuge in Bangladesh’s Cox’s Bazar, one of the largest refugee settlements in the world. The estimated 600,000 Rohingya who remain in Burma have been confined to camps and villages without freedom of movement and have had limited access to adequate food, healthcare, education, and livelihoods.
  • From August 2017 to September 2022, the U.S. government provided nearly $1.9 billion in humanitarian assistance in Burma and Bangladesh for the crisis and has primarily used public international organizations, such as UN agencies, and international NGOs to carry out this assistance. 
  • Over the past decade, USAID has focused on strengthening local capacity, promoting country ownership, and increasing the sustainability of outcomes.
  • OIG conducted this audit to determine the extent to which USAID (1) was positioned to transition from providing humanitarian assistance to development assistance in response to the protracted Rohingya crisis in Burma and Bangladesh, (2) has developed a strategy for managing the crisis, and (3) has used local implementers in response to the crisis. 

What We Found

  • Ongoing challenges have impeded USAID’s ability to transition from providing humanitarian assistance to development assistance.
  • USAID did not have an overall strategy primarily due to the volatile situation in Burma and instead used a variety of individual governing documents to guide the Agency's efforts.
  • USAID has utilized a small percentage of local organizations with direct funding due to local organizational capacity and USAID staffing issues.

Why It Matters

  • USAID has played a critical role in responding to the Rohingya crisis by providing immediate, life-saving relief to the Rohingya in Bangladesh and Burma and development assistance to the host communities in Bangladesh.
  • However, if conditions do not improve, roughly 500,000 Rohingya refugee children will continue to have limited access to education, hundreds of thousands of young people will remain deprived of livelihood opportunities, and almost 1 million Rohingya will continue to have very restricted lives.
  • Although there are numerous challenges and obstacles to increasing international assistance to those affected by this crisis, USAID is uniquely positioned to provide necessary support to the Rohingya people.
  • We made six recommendations to improve USAID’s humanitarian and development assistance efforts in response to the Rohingya crisis. USAID agreed with four recommendations and partially agreed with two recommendations.




We recommend that the USAID/Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance, USAID/Bangladesh, USAID/Burma, and USAID Bureau for Asia take the following actions:
1. In line with USAID's Policy Framework, USAID/Bangladesh, in coordination with the USAID/Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance, design and implement a plan to increase collaboration with other development organizations and donors to improve the long-term living conditions of the Rohingya and address protracted development challenges.

Questioned Cost
Funds for Better Use

We recommend that the USAID/Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance, USAID/Bangladesh, USAID/Burma, and USAID Bureau for Asia take the following actions:
2. USAID/Bangladesh implement the May 2022 internal assessment recommendation to develop a plan to improve livelihood opportunities for host communities.

Questioned Cost
Funds for Better Use

We recommend that the USAID/Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance, USAID/Bangladesh, USAID/Burma, and USAID Bureau for Asia take the following actions:
3. USAID/Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance identify and implement options for providing long-term funding arrangements for humanitarian assistance activities in Bangladesh.

Questioned Cost
Funds for Better Use

We recommend that the USAID/Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance, USAID/Bangladesh, USAID/Burma, and USAID Bureau for Asia take the following actions:
4. USAID/Bureau for Asia, as the geographic bureau responsible for the missions in Bangladesh and Burma, coordinate with USAID/Bangladesh, USAID/Burma, and the USAID/Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance and assess the need to develop and communicate an overall Agency strategy for the Rohingya crisis response with clearly defined end goals, specific and measurable outcomes, clear roles and responsibilities, and a roadmap for achieving those goals.

Questioned Cost
Funds for Better Use

We recommend that the USAID/Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance, USAID/Bangladesh, USAID/Burma, and USAID Bureau for Asia take the following actions:
5. USAID/Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance, USAID/Bangladesh, and USAID/Burma assess their ability to engage directly with more local nongovernmental organizations in Bangladesh and Burma, to include what may be needed to build their organizational capacity to responsibly manage USAID funds.

Questioned Cost
Funds for Better Use

We recommend that the USAID/Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance, USAID/Bangladesh, USAID/Burma, and USAID Bureau for Asia take the following actions:
6. USAID/Bangladesh and USAID/Burma develop and implement a plan that identifies sustainable, alternative options for sufficient mission staffing.

Questioned Cost
Funds for Better Use