Audit of USAID/Guatemala's Violence Prevention Project
USAID/Guatemala implement a monitoring and evaluation plan for the follow-on award that includes clearly defined performance indicators designed to measure the project's expected results.
USAID/Guatemala implement uniform guidance on how to calculate and report scholarship data in the Training Results and Information Network, and verify and document that all data entered into the system by the project is accurate per the Automated Directive System specifications.
USAID//Guatemala incorporate into its follow-on activities the requirement that the implementing partner submit a security plan and budget for security-related personnel and equipment to USAID for review.
USAID/Guatemala revise the performance indicators identified in the audit as poorly defined and recalculate the project's results for these indicators so they are reported accurately and document the results.
USAID/Guatemala implement a plan to review the supporting documentation for leveraged funds submitted by RTI International and confirm in writing that reporting on leverage is accurate and meets USAID standards, require RTI International to reduce the leveraged resources reported by $3.4 million, and require it to follow the agreement rules regarding leverage.
USAID/Guatemala implement a plan to monitor and verify compliance with leverage requirements in any follow-on project.
USAID/Guatemala instruct RTI International in writing to align the project's remaining annual and final reports to the corresponding annual and project strategic plans at the activity level, and verify that final reports disaggregate indicator data by gender, ethnicity, and age.
USAID/Guatemala implement a plan to collect baseline data for each performance indicator before the follow-on project starts.
USAID/Guatemala instruct RTI International in writing to include a comparison of actual expenditures with budget estimates, accompanying analysis, and explanations for any cost overruns or high unit costs in the project's remaining annual and final reports.
USAID/Guatemala, when drafting the follow-on award, include the Mandatory Standard Provision entitled "Trafficking in Persons (October 2010)."
USAID/Guatemala conduct and document counter-trafficking in persons training with all its implementers, subimplementers, and recipients.