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Audit of USAID/West Bank and Gaza's Partner Vetting and Geo-Management Information Systems
USAID/West Bank and Gaza implement written risk assessment procedures documenting roles and responsibilities of mission staff, and periodic review for the Geo-Management Information System in accordance with National Institute for Standards and Technology Special Publication 800-53.
USAID/West Bank and Gaza implement comprehensive contingency plan procedures in accordance with National Institute for Standards and Technology Special Publications 800-53 and 800-34 for its information systems including the Geo-Management Information System.
Upon completion of the Geo-Management Information System contingency plan, we recommend that USAID/West Bank and Gaza implement procedures to test its plan annually and update the contingency plan as needed based on the results.
USAID/Office of Security review the Partner
Vetting System Nongovernmental Organization Portal contingency plan and make corrections as necessary in accordance with National Institute for Standards and Technology Special Publication 800-53.
USAID/Office of Security complete its annual testing of the Partner Vetting System and the Partner Vetting System Nongovernmental Organization Portal, and update the contingency plans based on the results.
USAID/West Bank and Gaza coordinate with USAID/Office of Security to identify an alternate processing site for the Partner Vetting System Nongovernmental Organization Portal and incorporate the site into its contingency plan.
USAID/West Bank and Gaza include recovery of the information systems once normal operations return in its Geo-Management Information System contingency plan.
USAID/West Bank and Gaza modify the Geo-Management Information System to include a transaction recovery system, such as transaction rollback or transaction journaling, to assist in the recovery of the database in the event of a failure, as required by National Institute for Standards and Technology Special Publication 800-53.
USAID/West Bank and Gaza modify its Geo-Management Information System access control procedures and include the topics required by National Institute for Standards and Technology Special Publication 800-53.
USAID/West Bank and Gaza implement procedures defining and requiring periodic review of user accounts and roles, and deactivating invalid user accounts within the Geo-Management Information System, Partner Vetting System, and Partner Vetting System Nongovernmental Organization
Portal as required by National Institute for Standards and Technology Special Publication 800-53.
USAID/Office of Security incorporate audit trails for creation of user accounts, last user log-ons, role modifications, and disabling of user accounts to the Partner Vetting System as required by National Institute for Standards and Technology Special Publication 800-53, and give USAID/West Bank and Gaza access to the audit trails.
USAID/West Banks and Gaza document a risk assessment of the Geo-Management Information System in accordance with federal information processing standard 199 and National Institute for Standards and Technology Special Publication 800-30, and categorize the system as low-, moderate-, or high-risk.
USAID/West Bank and Gaza incorporate audit trails for creation of user accounts, last user log-ons, role modifications, and disabling of user accounts to the Geo-Management Information System as required by National Institute for Standards and Technology Special Publication 800-53.
USAID/West Bank and Gaza implement procedures requiring written access requests for all authorized Partner Vetting System and Geo-Management Information System users.
USAID/West Bank and Gaza review and document the review results on roles assigned to Geo-Management Information System and Partner Vetting System administrators, and correct any separation of duties weaknesses noted, or document reasons for not correcting noted weaknesses.
USAID/West Bank and Gaza review and document the results of the review on users with system administrator rights and other privileged roles in the Partner Vetting System, and remove these roles as needed to enforce least privilege.
USAID/West Bank and Gaza document the acceptable number of user log-on attempts before a Geo-Management Information System user account is locked and incorporate this control into the Geo-Management Information System application.
USAID/West Bank and Gaza modify its Geo-Management Information System user notification to comply with National Institute for Standards and Technology Special Publication 800-53.
USAID/West Bank and Gaza define and document its session lock criteria for the Geo-Management Information System in management-approved procedures.
USAID/West Bank and Gaza modify the Geo-Management Information System to prevent the display of data once the system locks the session.