Audit of USAID/Haiti's Improved Cooking Technology Program
USAID/Haiti review time frames for carbon finance implementation to determine whether expected results can be achieved during the program and modify the contract to reflect realistic achievements or document the reasons for not modifying the contract.
USAID/Haiti coordinate with Chemonics International Inc. to examine the perceived conflict of interest related to the liquid
petroleum gas legislation and document conclusions and planned actions, and implement a plan to increase collaboration among industry stakeholders through more discussions and forums.
USAID/Haiti document in writing how it can achieve targets for the number of large consumers of charcoal converted to liquid petroleum gas or set realistic targets for the remainder of the program.
USAID/Haiti implement a policy for mandatory environmental training for all mission staff involved in program management and for reviewing annually that all current staff have attended the training.
USAID/Haiti identify and incorporate risk activities that were not previously part of the approved environmental mitigation plan and report, and amend the initial environmental examination, if necessary, and document all
actions taken.
USAID/Haiti include Chemonics International Inc. employees in the next environmental training session and document their attendance.
USAID/Haiti, in collaboration with Chemonics International Inc., update the program's performance management plan to include needed revisions to the indicator descriptions, collection method, and targets, and implement it to address the indicators' data limitations for evaluating the program's impact.
USAID/Haiti implement a plan to resolve delays in activities that must be completed before carbon finance validation and certification can occur.
USAID/Haiti coordinate with Chemonics International Inc. to improve communication, coordination, and partnership among contractors, subcontractors, and partners in the field, or replace a current subimplementer with one that has a greater presence in Haiti and expertise working there.
USAID/Haiti require Chemonics International Inc. to prepare a data quality plan for the baseline report, and review and approve it.
USAID/Haiti implement a plan to support the Bureau of Mines and Energy in developing the certification lab or securing alternate partner(s) to house it.
USAID/Haiti determine whether the charcoal worker alternative livelihood activity is adding cost-effective value to the program, and document the decision to either continue or terminate the activity.
USAID/Haiti implement alternative marketing
strategies aimed at church groups to expand the biomass cookstove market, and expand marketing efforts to other urban community groups and document such efforts.
USAID/Haiti coordinate with Chemonics International Inc. to secure more affordable financing options for large consumers of charcoal to switch to liquid petroleum gas.
USAID/Haiti coordinate with Chemonics International Inc. to strengthen the marketing and outreach plan for large consumers of charcoal by using the resources and expertise of liquid petroleum gas distributors.