Financial Audit of USAID Resources Managed by Liverpool Voluntary Care and Treatment Health in Kenya Under Multiple Awards, October 1, 2022, to September 30, 2023
We recommend that USAID/Kenya and East Africa determine the allowability of the $128,405 in ineligible questioned costs on page 20 of the audit report and recover any amount that is unallowable.
We recommend that USAID/Kenya and East Africa verify that Liverpool Voluntary Care and Treatment Health corrects the two instances of material noncompliance detailed on pages 45 to 46, and 48 of the audit report.
We recommend that USAID/Kenya and East Africa verify that Liverpool Voluntary Care and Treatment Health provides University Research Company International and FHI360 with a copy of the findings raised in Ernst & Young LLP's audit report for their review (a) to determine the allowability of any ineligible questioned costs identified on page 20 of the audit report pertaining to their particular subawards; and (b) to take any corrective actions regarding the instances of material noncompliance related to the subawards detailed on pages 42 to 46 of the report.