Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility Strategic Plan for Fiscal Years 2024-2029

Strategic Plans

For OIG to provide the highest quality oversight of U.S. foreign assistance, we must build an organization rooted in professionalism, trust, and respect. A major way to accomplish this is by taking tangible steps to integrate diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility (DEIA) concepts into our office culture. Research consistently shows that diverse teams make better decisions and achieve superior outcomes. When OIG colleagues feel comfortable to speak up, creativity flourishes and our collective potential increases.

OIG has the following DEIA goals for FYs 2024–2029.

  1. Operationalize DEIA best practices.
  2. Promote data-driven human capital systems to improve diversity and equity in recruitment, hiring, promotion, and professional development.
  3. Increase employee engagement and inclusion by embedding principles of fairness and respect into our culture.
  4. Create a culture of respect and open communication free from harassment, discrimination, or retaliation.
