Audit of USAID/Iraq's Administrative Reform Project
USAID/Iraq reassess the progress made in all the areas under the administrative decentralization component, determine and document those activities that the Iraqi Government has the ability and will to implement, and direct Management Systems International Inc. in writing to focus resources on those activities.
USAID/Iraq, in coordination with Management Systems International Inc., adjust in writing targets to measure the project's results more accurately.
USAID/Iraq modify its contract with Management Systems International Inc. to terminate work plan activities under its civil service reform component.
USAID/Iraq stop and document activities aimed at implementing standard bidding documents until the Iraqi Government revises its procurement regulations and the Ministry of Planning enforces the use of the documents.
USAID/Iraq conduct and document a review to determine whether Management Systems International Inc. will be able to support ministries in organizational development, fiscal management, and business process improvement as envisioned, and adjust contract deliverables and budget based on the review.
USAID/Iraq and Management Systems International Inc. analyze and document what the expected output is for each deliverable needed for the remainder of the contract, and what constitutes an acceptable product.
USAID/Iraq reassess the adequacy of the deliverables questioned by the audit and determine whether it should recoup the $1,071,658 in fees paid until Management Systems International Inc. fully satisfies the requirements and documents its determination.
The contracting officer's representative conduct and document field visits independently on a sample basis and discuss with the beneficiaries to assess the results of the project.
The contracting officer's representative implement documentation controls to record and capture program decisions made based on reviews of field monitors' reports, site visits, and technical direction given to Management Systems International Inc.
USAID/Iraq's contracting officer make a written decision on the changes that the contracting officer's representative made and modify the contract accordingly.