Ukraine Response: Audit of USAID’s Office of Transition Initiatives’ Engagement of Local Partners in Ukraine

Audit Report
Report Number

Williams, Adley & Company-DC, LLP (Williams Adley) conducted an independent performance audit of resources the Bureau for Conflict Prevention and Stabilization’s Office of Transition Initiatives (OTI) managed under awards USAID issued in response to Russia’s war against Ukraine. Specifically, they examined OTI’s engagement of local partners in Ukraine to contribute to developmental goals and the extent to which OTI’s monitoring and evaluation efforts allow for an understanding of programmatic impacts.

They determined the resources managed by OTI in response to Russia’s war against Ukraine engaged local partners in Ukraine. Additionally, considering the allowable exemptions for transition assistance activities, the activities overall were monitored in accordance with USAID criteria and allowed for an understanding of programmatic impacts.

However, they determined that improvements are needed to ensure the accuracy of quantitative data obtained and reported on from sub-implementers. They proposed three recommendations to address the deficiencies identified. These recommendations aim to develop controls surrounding the accuracy of indicator data reported. See additional details in Appendix 4.



We recommend that USAID's Director of the Office of Transition Initiatives: Recommendation 1. Ensure all indicators are defined in sub-award documentation.

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We recommend that USAID's Director of the Office of Transition Initiatives: Recommendation 2. Develop procedures to properly train all parties involved on the defined indicator data at the beginning of the award process.

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We recommend that USAID's Director of the Office of Transition Initiatives: Recommendation 3. Implement procedures to maintain accurate data records in its Web-Based Database system, such as correction of errors when identified.

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