Audit of USAID/Haiti's Integrated Financing For Value Chains and Enterprises Program
USAID/Haiti implement procedures for periodic monitoring of files kept by the agreement officer's representative and confirm that site visit reports are completed.
USAID/Haiti implement reasonable grant approval time frames.
USAID/Haiti revise its mission order on evaluations and make it accessible to all staff.
USAID/Haiti implement a plan to inform mission staff periodically of the importance and location of mission orders.
USAID/Haiti communicate the requirements of the amended initial environmental examination to the implementer's staff in writing and provide environmental awareness training to the lending partners on the implementation of Environmental Guidelines for the USAID/Latin America and Caribbean Bureau.
USAID/Haiti document the distribution of standardized environmental screening forms among program lending partners and confirm their incorporation into lenders' loan applicant screening processes.
USAID/Haiti's agreement officer's representative document and implement a plan for monitoring compliance with the requirements in the amended initial environmental examination.