INVESTIGATIVE SUMMARY: Deputy Chief of Party Debarred for Diversion of Vouchers in Syria

Investigative Summary

USAID’s Office of Inspector General (OIG) initiated an investigation into an allegation that a Deputy Chief of Party on a USAID award in Syria solicited bribes and diverted non-food items and food vouchers away from beneficiaries. According to the allegation, the individual also had an undeclared conflict of interest and manipulated award beneficiaries.

OIG found that the Deputy Chief of Party had an undisclosed financial interest in two stores, which had been opened in temporary locations and contracted for through the award solely to redeem vouchers and divert them from beneficiaries. OIG determined that the individual also directed beneficiaries toward the stores, which had substandard and more costly products.

This matter was declined for criminal prosecution by the US Department of Justice. OIG provided investigative findings to USAID for action. On January 10, 2025, USAID’s Suspension and Debarment Official debarred the Deputy Chief of Party for 3 years for diverting vouchers and causing harm to program participants.
