Audit of USAID/Afghanistan's Use of Third-Country National Employees
USAID/Afghanistan issue written interim guidance explaining how hiring offices should determine that the conditions justifying hiring third-country nationals exist and how the mission Executive Office should document the determination. The guidance should be in effect until applicable mission orders are issued or updated.
USAID/Afghanistan immediately survey its records of all active personal services contractor positions to confirm that valid classification reports are on file and document the results.
USAID/Afghanistan improve records management by adding new controls over classification files for personal services contractor positions.
USAID/Afghanistan verify that any future contract awarded for the program administration and budget team leader position reflects its correct market value of General Schedule-13 grade level as determined by the classification report on file.
USAID/Afghanistan immediately classify the intermittent/remote senior acquisition and assistance technical adviser position.
USAID/Afghanistan conduct a comprehensive analysis of justifications for sole-sourced personal services contracts after 2009 and document the results. If it discovers additional deficiencies, the mission should issue written guidance on justifications for other than full and open competition for personal services contracts.