Audit of USAID/Cambodia’s Helping Address Rural Vulnerabilities and Ecosystem Stability Program
USAID/Cambodia work with the contractor to implement a plan to engage more provincial government staff members in program activities and provide them with regular activity reports.
USAID/Cambodia require the contractor to work with community organizations to implement a community's expected contribution regarding the patrol boats.
USAID/Cambodia work with the contractor to implement a transition strategy for community forestry organizations involved in tree nurseries to improve their sustainability after program support ends.
USAID/Cambodia work with the contractor to implement a plan that will identify and focus program resources on a greater number of poor beneficiaries.
USAID/Cambodia work with the contractor to determine and document what contract requirements need to be changed, and modify the contract accordingly.
USAID/Cambodia review the scholarship program and determine whether the remaining $2.6 million in funds could be reprogrammed or deobligated from the contract.
USAID/Cambodia provide clear written guidance to Fintrac Inc. to adhere to the branding and marking requirements in the Helping Address Rural Vulnerabilities and Ecosystem Stability Program contract in the absence of any approved branding and marking contract modification or other official guidance.
USAID/Cambodia obtain written guidance from the regional legal advisor regarding the propriety of the program's agricultural economist/deputy chief of party serving as president of the Cambodian Economic Association.
USAID/Cambodia determine the allowability of $82,625 in questioned costs (unsupported) and recover from the Helping Address Rural Vulnerabilities and Ecosystem Stability Program, as appropriate, any amounts determined to be unallowable.