Audit of USAID/South Sudan's Core Institutional Structures Project
USAID/South Sudan finalize a monitoring and evaluation mission order to assist the program office and technical team in collecting and analyzing performance indicator data that supports decision making on the project's operations and effectiveness.
USAID/South Sudan conduct an Agency-contracted audit to determine whether billing under the Core Institutional Structures Project between 2010 and the end of the project complied with contract requirements.
USAID/South Sudan implement a written policy to periodically review Deloitte's administrative controls and support for expenses charged to USAID.
USAID/South Sudan determine the allowability of $604,990 in questioned costs ($601,990 ineligible and $3,000 unsupported) and recover from Deloitte Consulting any amounts determined to be unallowable.
USAID/South Sudan issue a mission order addressing gender integration.
USAID/South Sudan appoint a mission gender adviser to assist mission staff in implementing the Gender Equality and Female Empowerment Policy.
USAID/South Sudan implement written plans to integrate gender into each of the successor projects to the Core Institutional Structures Project.