Audit of USAID/Bolivia's Health Program
USAID/Bolivia, in conjunction with PROSALUD, complete Promeso's monitoring and evaluation plan, which will define clearly each indicator and its target, source, and method for data collection.
USAID/Bolivia require PROSALUD to include in its progress reports a cumulative list of reports, studies, and documents that have been submitted to USAID's Development Experience Clearinghouse.
USAID/Bolivia, in conjunction with PROSALUD, implement a validation and verification process for Promeso's indicators.
USAID/Bolivia work with PROSALUD to complete Promeso's management and sustainability plan.
USAID/Bolivia help PROSALUD implement effective controls and procedures to avoid unpaid debts, reconcile the accounting records to determine the exact amounts each distributor owes, and collect those amounts.
USAID/Bolivia assign an independent party to conduct the data quality assessment for Promeso.
USAID/Bolivia, in conjunction with PROSALUD, verify in writing that all necessary training information is entered into USAID's Training Results and Information Network, and reported in the progress reports for the Healthy Communities Project.
USAID/Bolivia provide and document training to its staff and implementing partners on how to use and report results in USAID's Training Results and Information Network.
USAID/Bolivia determine in writing who will
monitor USAID's Training Results and Information Network for the mission, and implement a verification process to confirm that the information entered and reported is accurate.
USAID/Bolivia review reporting requirements,
confirm in writing that all required documents have been submitted to USAID's Development Experience Clearinghouse, and identify and document individuals to serve as liaisons to the clearinghouse unit.