Audit of USAID/Bosnia-Herzegovina's Fostering Interventions for Rapid Market Advancement Project
USAID/Bosnia-Herzegovina implement a plan to improve outreach with partner banks to promote the Development Credit Authority Program to small and medium-sized enterprises.
USAID/Bosnia-Herzegovina direct Cardno Emerging Markets USA Ltd. in writing to reassess its grant with Adventure Tourism Association and either implement a plan to help the Adventure Tourism Association achieve sustainability or cancel the grant.
USAID/Bosnia-Herzegovina work with Cardno Emerging Markets USA Ltd. to implement procedures to evaluate sustainability thoroughly when reviewing grant applications.
USAID/Bosnia-Herzegovina work with Cardno Emerging Markets USA Ltd. to review all unspent balances, close all completed grants, deobligate unspent balances, make the deobligated funds available for future grant activities, and document the results.
USAID/Bosnia-Herzegovina work with Cardno Emerging Markets USA Ltd. to implement procedures to assess whether funds are available in the grant's budget before approving new grant activities.
USAID/Bosnia-Herzegovina implement a plan to conduct a timely gender analysis and incorporate its findings and recommendations in the mission's country assistance strategy.
USAID/Bosnia-Herzegovina finalize the gender analysis report, performance management plan, and mission order pertaining to gender inclusion, and implement them in monitoring and assessing progress.
USAID/Bosnia-Herzegovina require Cardno Emerging Markets USA Ltd. to report in writing sex-disaggregated data for indicators that would help the mission assess its progress toward addressing obstacles women encounter in small and medium-sized enterprises.
USAID/Bosnia-Herzegovina implement a plan to verify and assess the quality of data reported by Cardno Emerging Markets USA Ltd.
USAID/Bosnia-Herzegovina require Cardno Emerging Markets USA Ltd. to strengthen its data quality and verification procedures and document the results.
USAID/Bosnia-Herzegovina work with Cardno Emerging Markets USA Ltd. to review and adjust the project's targets to make them realistic, and document the results.