Audit of USAID/Ukraine’s AgroInvest Project
USAID/Ukraine work with Chemonics International Inc. to implement a plan to streamline the subaward process for the AgroInvest project.
USAID/Ukraine work with Chemonics International Inc. to implement a plan to verify that the results reported by AgroInvest comply with the data quality standards outlined in Automated Directives System
USAID/Ukraine work with Chemonics International Inc. to provide and document training for AgroInvest staff on relevant USAID regulations for the awarding of subawards, such as conducting environmental review and assessment checklists.
USAID/Ukraine reassess AgroInvest's policy priorities and implement a plan to achieve these priorities during the remainder of the contract.
USAID/Ukraine solicit the assistance of independent experts to review in writing the field association concept for economic, political, and social impacts, and to develop and document alternative models for consideration.
USAID/Ukraine refrain from allocating more resources to the field association concept until a full, independent legal review can be conducted. If this review deems that the concept is not in line with the Ukrainian Constitution, we recommend that USAID/Ukraine discontinue its work on it and document that determination.
USAID/Ukraine conduct an independent analysis of the field association concept to determine whether it is in line with the strategic priorities of the U.S. Government for the independent states of the former Soviet Union. As part of this analysis, USAID/Ukraine should vet the concept with appropriate U.S. Government officials at the Embassy and document the results.
USAID/Ukraine work with Chemonics International Inc. to immediately implement a public education and outreach campaign that focuses on basic land rights and can be expanded if and when the legislation on the land market is finalized.
USAID/Ukraine perform and document an analysis that considers the use of a microfinance instrument or grants to fully leverage partners under AgroInvest's Access to Finance component.
USAID/Ukraine work with Chemonics International Inc. to reassess AgroInvest's future relationship with commercial banks, dedicate more resources to activities with credit unions, and document the results.