Audit of USAID/Angola's HIV/AIDS Activities
USAID/Angola implement a process for approving partner deliverables, which includes rerouting in the event of staff vacancies.
USAID/Angola implement a mission policy to create annual site visit schedules for routine monitoring and addressing performance concerns, including alternate monitoring activities to mitigate travel constraints.
USAID/Angola implement a plan to verify that
personnel performing agreement officer's representative responsibilities receive the
appropriate training and certification.
USAID/Angola sign a memorandum of understanding with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention that defines the division of responsibilities for setting targets for and reporting performance on HIV/AIDS indicators.
USAID/Angola request training for its staff
and HIV/AIDS implementing partners from the Office of the U.S. Global AIDS Coordinator on setting targets for and reporting performance on HIV/AIDS indicators.
USAID/Angola implement procedures to verify that implementing partners report program income in accordance with their agreements with USAID.
USAID/Angola require Population Services International to differentiate how it expended $9,640 in program income (for different uses, including providing incentives for meeting sales targets and holiday gifts), determine the allowability of the amounts expended for the different uses, and recover from Population Services International any amount determined to be
USAID/Angola verify that Population Services
International reclassifies $19,656 in program income (that was incorrectly reported under
the previous social marketing program) as income under the Integrated Health Social Marketing Program.
USAID/Angola require Population Services
International to develop a written plan for the use of unexpended current and future program income to further eligible program objectives.
USAID/Angola determine whether Population Services International managed program income of $358,208 (from sales of Sensual condoms) in accordance with Title 22 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Part 226, Section 24, and recover from Population Services International any amount
that was managed incorrectly and determined to be unallowable.
USAID/Angola reach consensus with Population Services International on how to manage program income generated from future sales of Sensual brand condoms, and modify the cooperative agreement accordingly.
USAID/Angola develop a schedule for holding regular meetings with its HIV/AIDS partners to promote strategic coordination.
USAID/Angola implement policies and procedures for monitoring the effectiveness of approved branding and marking plans.
USAID/Angola remind Population Services International, in writing, of its obligation to brand all program materials (including
supplementary promotional materials) according to its branding and marking plan, exempting only items explicitly identified in the plan from branding and marking requirements.