Review of USAID/Jordan’s Cash Transfer Activities
USAID/Jordan should document its analysis already performed, complete a needs assessment, and, based on the assessment, implement an action plan for how and when to require Jordan to make a local currency contribution.
USAID/Jordan negotiate with the Jordanian Government performance indicators for the local currency account program and incorporate them into the agreement.
USAID/Jordan work with the Jordanian Government to prepare semiannual impact summaries beginning with the most recently completed year.
USAID/Jordan document the capacity of Jordanian Government ministries to carry out development projects to provide reasonable assurance under the requirements for general-sector support.
USAID/Jordan issue a mission order establishing a practice of obtaining and documenting reasonable assurance of the technical capacity of implementers and the technical, financial, and environmental soundness of any projects or activities funded by the local currency account, and implement this practice for projects identified in the August 2012 implementation letter.
USAID/Jordan require Jordan, in writing, to reimburse the local currency fund for 850,000 dinars ($1.2 million) spent on prohibited uses.
USAID/Jordan include audit procedures in its statement of work for calendar years 2010 through 2012 to test for prohibited activities.
USAID/Jordan document a formal decision regarding what alternative forms of budget assistance the cash transfer can be applied to and amend the agreement accordingly.
The mission establish written procedures that the
Financial Management Office obtains a positive declaration, in writing, before each cash transfer from the Central Bank of Jordan that all separate dollar accounts bear interest.
USAID/Jordan contract for annual audits as required by the agreement.
USAID/Jordan include language in the scopes of work clarifying that the accounting firms should trace sector support funds, on a test basis, to specific projects in the implementation letter.