Audit of USAID/Vietnam's Support for Trade Acceleration Plus Project
USAID/Vietnam review the project's indicators and establish appropriate custom indicators that would capture project activities adequately and allow the mission to track progress.
USAID/Vietnam work with the contractor to review and revise the project's performance indicator targets for the remainder of the project.
USAID/Vietnam perform a data quality assessment identifying the contractor's source of reported results, analysis of calculations, and completeness of data, and document the results.
USAID/Vietnam determine the allowability of $58,524 in unsupported questioned costs pertaining to the total approved days of the short-term technical adviser and recover from DAI/Nathan Group any amounts determined to be unallowable.
USAID/Vietnam require the contractor to quantify, track, and report in writing on all forms of cash and in-kind contributions made by counterparts and other organizations toward STAR Plus project activities.