Audit of USAID/Barbados' Eastern Caribbean Community Action Project
USAID/Barbados work with the Caribbean HIV/AIDS Alliance to implement a monitoring plan to confirm implementation of the subgranting process.
USAID/Barbados require the Caribbean HIV/AIDS Alliance to prepare and document yearly budgets by country, and track and report expenditures by country and compare it to the budgets.
USAID/Barbados work with the Caribbean HIV/AIDS Alliance to correct the internal control deficiencies identified by properly storing the data backups and to resolve the problems related to the bank accounts in all country program offices to allow the receiving and transferring of funds to and from the Caribbean HIV/AIDS Alliance's regional office and the country program offices, and document the results.
USAID/Barbados implement a plan to confirm that advances are processed in a timely manner and made for only one month at a time and that reimbursements are made only if unliquidated advance balances have been cleared.
USAID/Barbados work with the Caribbean HIV/AIDS Alliance to implement detailed guidelines, policies, and procedures on how to address potential victims of human trafficking.
USAID/Barbados work with the Caribbean HIV/AIDS Alliance to implement a plan for training community animators on human trafficking issues.
USAID/Barbados assist the Caribbean HIV/AIDS Alliance in implementing a revised sustainability plan for the Eastern Caribbean Community Action Plan II that includes specific strategies to confirm sustainable results.
USAID/Barbados work with the Caribbean HIV/AIDS Alliance to implement a plan to verify reported data.
USAID/Barbados work with the Caribbean HIV/AIDS Alliance to implement a plan to track and report all commodities received and provided to each country program office.
USAID/Barbados direct the Caribbean HIV/AIDS Alliance to report as separate indicators the number of condoms distributed free and the number of those that were sold.
USAID/Barbados work with the Caribbean HIV/AIDS Alliance to implement a commodities distribution plan that is consistent with the demands or needs of the countries to avoid significant surpluses at the project's end.
USAID/Barbados direct the Caribbean HIV/AIDS Alliance to clearly define and document what constitutes a repeat client, and based on the definition, adjust targets accordingly.